Verrucae and Warts

Verrucae, commonly known as warts, are a growth of the Human Papilloma (HP) Virus. The virus is contagious and survives in damp areas such as changing room floors, swimming pools and shower areas. The HP virus is contracted through damaged or weakened skin.

The virus causes rapid generation of infected cells on the skin surface as they grow and spread. Verrucae occur on any part of the skin but usually, appear on hands and the feet. Plantar warts are verrucae that grow on the plantar (sole) surface of the foot. Plantar warts can be particularly painful , due the pressure on them of standing and walking.  A the wart enlarges the pressure will forces it protrude in to the skin, which will feel like a embedded foreign object in the foot.
Your Podiatrist will assess the verrucae and determine the best course of treatment. There are various treatments available, and the choice will depend on the size, site, number and any previous treatments.

Treatments for verrucae include;
● Medicated applications
● Cryotherapy and freezing
● Needling/ Surgery

Note: If you have poor circulation or you are diabetic, you should never self-treat verrucae.

To make an appointment with a Podiatrist to for treatment, please contact us today.

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