Podiatry and Medicare

Have you ever wondered if Podiatry services are covered by Medicare? A common question that we often encounter from new and existing patients is if they can claim podiatry services under Medicare. At the Podicare podiatry practice patients can claim a rebate through Medicare when they have been referred by their GP under the Enhance [...]

Podiatry and Medicare2016-05-24T02:00:38+08:00

Knee cap pain that is caused by the feet

When the knee cap does not glide correctly is often the result of poor lower limb alignment . Our podiatrist Vish Rajkumar discusses the condition of Patellofemoral Syndrome and how podiatrists treat it. Patellofemoral syndrome The patellofemoral joint refers to the articulation between the patella (knee cap) and distal femoral condyles. Patellofemoral syndrome is the term used to [...]

Knee cap pain that is caused by the feet2017-04-21T02:07:06+08:00

Keeping it simple to prevent diabetic foot complications

The Diabetic Foot Book The Podicare team is excited to announce it has published it's first ebook. This guide explains in simple terms, using diagrams and images, how diabetes can affect foot health. The complications of diabetes can be very serious and can lead to foot ulcers and amputation. It is important that people with [...]

Keeping it simple to prevent diabetic foot complications2017-04-21T02:07:06+08:00
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